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Materials for students

Contaminated soil treatment
(Ing. Lenka Honetschlägerová, Ph.D.)

= Lecture 1 v
= Lecture 2 v
= Lecture 3 v
= Lecture 4 v
= Lecture 5 v
= Lecture 6 v
= Lecture 7 v

Waste Management and Treatment
(Doc.Ing.Dr. Martin Kubal)

= 1) origin and types of waste v
= 2) world and EU waste legislation v
= 3) municipal waste - help v
= 3) municipal waste v
= 4) industrial + agricultural waste v
= 5) waste managementhiearchy v
= 6) waste disposal v
= 7) thermal processing of waste v
= 8) Biological processing of waste - help v
= 8) biological processing of waste v
= 9) physical-chemical processing of waste - case study 1 v
= 9) physical-chemical processing of waste - case study 2 v
= 9) physical-chemical processing of waste v
= 10) waste recycling and reuse v
= 11) Relationship between product and waste v
= 12) information systems in waste management - help (1) v
= 12) information systems in waste management - help (2) v
= 13) illegal disposal of waste - help 1  v
= 13) illegal disposal of waste - help 2  v
= 13) illegal disposal of waste - help 3  v
= 13) illegal disposal of waste v



Updated: 12.6.2017 14:38, Author: Milan Březina

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Copyright: UCT Prague 2015
Information provided by the Department of International Relations and the Department of R&D. Technical support by the Computing Centre.
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