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About department

 Department of environmental chemistry is a part of the University of chemistry and technology in Prague. Department is focused on preparing specialists in the field of decontamination technologies, waste processing and environmental protection.

 The study programme links up with organic and anorganic chemistry, physical and analytical chemistry and chemical engineering. The main subjects are decontamination technologies eg. membrane separation using reverse osmosis, SVE - soil vapour extraction, thermic desorption, stripping, coagulation, stabilization, in-situ chemical oxidation etc.

 The lectures are complemented with practical work in laboratories, excursions and short-term internship. The study programme is concluded by a diploma thesis, including an oral presentation, and the final state examination.

 A graduate is granted the title Engineer (Ing.) which is equivalent to MSc. degree. The graduates may continue studying within the graduate programme, and get the Ph.D. degree.

Updated: 3.10.2016 16:59, Author: Marek Martinec

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Copyright: UCT Prague 2015
Information provided by the Department of International Relations and the Department of R&D. Technical support by the Computing Centre.
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