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Analytical instruments

originál Atomic absorption spectrometer
SensAA, GBC Scientific equipment
atomization acetylene-air
originál Atomic emission spectrometer with microwaqve plasma Agilent 4200 MP-AES.
originál Atomic absorption spectrometer
Shimadzu AA-6200
atomization acetylene-air


Gas chromatograph DANI Master VH with FID detector, capillary column ZB-5, Master SHS static autosampler and Master AS. Injector: split/splitless
originál Gas chromatograph
GC-17A Shimadzu with thermic desorption Unity and autosampler Ultra (Markes International)
originál Gas chromatograph
GC/MS (Focus GC/DSQ) from Termo Corporation
originál Gas chromatograph
GC Hewlett Packard 5890
originál Gas chromatograph
GC 3400 Varian
originál Gas chromatograph CHROM 5
originál High temperature TOC/TNb analyzer
liquiTOC II,
Elementar Analysensysteme GmbH
originál Modular analyzer of organic halogens Labtech LTX Unique, analyzis of AOX, EOX, TS.
originál capillary electrophoresis Agilent 7100.
originál Analyzer TOC/TNb Elementar vario TOC select.
originál Mikrowave oven Milestone Microsynth.
originál UV/VIS Spectrophotometer Cintra 101,
GBC Scientific equipment
originál UV/VIS Spectrophotometer Jasco V530, Jasco Corporation
originál Portable UV/VIS Spectrophotometer HACH DR2400
originál Portable photometer Lavibond MultiDirect
originál UV/VIS Spectrophotometer Lambda 3B,
Perkin Elmer
originál Portable ED XRF spectrometer ElvaX Mobile.

Portable Raman spectrometer

ThermoScientific FirstDefender RM

originál Portable FTIR spectrometer ThermoScientific TruDefender FT
originál (PID) photoionization detector MiniRAE 2000

3D printer Original Prusa I3 MK2

Updated: 4.10.2016 09:40, Author: Marek Martinec

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Copyright: UCT Prague 2015
Information provided by the Department of International Relations and the Department of R&D. Technical support by the Computing Centre.
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